SURAJ Electronics make Disconnecting type neutral links are designed to disconnect the neutral from the control panel with just one screw turn, and they are suitable for a range of current ratings. High grade polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) is used as the insulating material. PBT is a material that is unbreakable, non- hygroscopic, highly insulating resistant, and able to endure high impulse voltages.
strong electrical grade phenol formaldehyde resin (Bakelite), which has a very strong capacity to withstand high voltage spikes and insulation, is used to make 100A neutral linkages.
Superior grade copper alloys with the ideal ratio of copper to zinc are used to make the electrical conductors,
resulting in low temperature rise and little transmission loss of electric current within predetermined bounds.
High tensile mild steel is used to make the screws, however brass and stainless steel 304 grade are other